Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How Does a Plane Fly??

Bernoulli's Principle:
"For an inviscid flow, an increase in the speed of the fluid occurs simultaneously with a decrease in pressure"
The wing is shaped like an aerofoil. This control how efficient the whole operation is. Air traveling over and under the wing of an airplane is deflected downwards and causes it to be lifted.This is Known as aerodynamics. Air traveling over the curved upper surface of the wing moves fast. This air becomes lw pressure.The air travelling under wing become far less then the oressure under the wing, and the airplane over the wing becomes far less then the pressure under the wing, and the airplane is lifted up.
When the air moves fast enough over the top of the wing, due to centrifugal force, it is lifted up off of the top hump of the wing, creating an area of low pressure below that. Again, that low pressure is created because the centrifugal force of the air flowing over the top of the wing cases it to lift up for a second over the top hump of the wing, creating low pressure below it.
Newton's Third Law
"For every action, there is an equal and oppsite reaction"
There is a large amount of air being forced down by the wings. After the air flow over the top of wing, due to the shape of the wing, that air also flows downwards, creating an upward force onthe wing .Thus, the opposite force would be the air keeping the airplane up

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